lundi 19 février 2018

How to plan your day


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How I will plan My Day :

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 Planning your day is one of the most important things you can do everyday.

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Make Sure You Have A Long-Term Plan :

Before I plan each individual day, I always make sure that I'm running off of a weekly plan.
It's also important to mention that my weekly plan is also based on my monthly and yearly goals   I always make sure that I have a bigger picture plan that I'm moving towards, such as my yearly goals or my life plan.
Much of the process that I've learned is from Tony Robbins, in his “Time Of Your Life” program.  It's one of my favourite programs on productivity and time management, as well as Eben Pagan's “Wake Up Productive”.
I'm not going to spend much time going through my weekly planning process (that is for another post), but the process is similar to my daily planning process.
But I can't emphasize this enough: make sure you have a long-term plan that you're moving towards.
Each day's effort should be moving you closer towards your long-term vision and plan for your life.  You need to know WHAT you are doing all of this for and be moving towards the bigger picture for your life.
